Privacy policy
This privacy policy applies for the english website of Copenhagen Designer Outlet owned by Danske Shoppingcentre. Danske Shoppingcentre is responsible for Copenhagen Designer Outlet's data. Therefore Copenhagen Designer Outlet is not independently responsible for the data.
Danske Shoppingcentre handles a number of personal information about its customers. Danske Shoppingcentre protects these personal information with special care. It requires trust to share personal information with a corporation and Danske Shoppingcentre believes, that this privacy policy will create confidence that Danske Shoppingcentre deals with the personal information in a responsible way.
Danske Shoppingcentre's, at any time, existing privacy policy will always be available to the public at, but also on Copenhagen Deisgner Outlet's website.
Inquiries regarding Danske Shoppingcentre's processing of personal information can be addressed to:
Danske Shoppingcentre P/S
CVR-nummer: 37070726
Cityringen 24
2630 Taastrup
What personal information does Danske Shoppingcentre handle, the purpose of handling the information, the legal basis and the storage period:
Personal information gathered based on cookies will be deleted according to Danske Shoppingcentre's cookie policy. Read the cookie policy here.
1. Customers, who sign up for SMS-marketing
1.1 What personal information
Danske Shoppingcentre processes the following data: contact information (name and phone number) on persons, who sign up to SMS-marketing centrally from Danske Shoppingcentre (or locally from Copenhagen Designer Outlet).
1.2 Purpose
The processing happens with the aim of allowing Danske Shoppingcentre to send SMS-marketing (within the chosen subject) to the people, who have signed up.
1.3 Legal basis
The legal basis for the data processing concerning marketing and participation in competitions is the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) art 6, stk. 1 litra a (consent). The consent can at any time be withdrawn.
1.4 The period of time we keep your data
Contact information given for the purpose of receiving SMS-marketing will at the latest be deleted 3 years after the consent to receive SMS-marketing has been withdrawn.
2. Participation in competitions
2.1 What personal information
Danske Shoppingcentre processes the contact information of the participants that are participating in competitions in connection with the participation in competitions.
2.2 Purpose
The processing happens with the aim of contacting the winner of the competition. In certain situations the processing also happens with the aim of sending marketing material to the winner of the competition.
2.3 Legal basis
The legal basis for the data processing concerning marketing and participation in competitions is Europe's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) article 6(1) litra b (contract processing) and 6(1) litra a (processing consent). The consent can at any time be withdrawn.
2.4 The storage period
Contact information given by participants af competitions, that have not won, will be deleted, when the competition is finished and the winner has received the prize. The winner's contact information will be stored for three years from the reception of the prize.
Compulsory book-keeping information in relation to the winner receiving the prize will be stored 5 years after the expiration of the exact financial year in which the prize is handed over. Contact information given for the purpose of marketing will be deleted at the latest 3 years after the consent to receive marketing has been withdrawn.
3. The registered person's rights in relation to EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), section 3
Danske Shoppingcentre processes personal information with the purposes, that are described in each point above. Compared to each of these processings the registered person has the right:
- To request insight regarding what personal information Danske Shoppingcentre is processing about the registered person
- To receive information about themselves in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format (data portability)
- To request getting the personal information, that Danske Shoppingcentre is processing about the registered person, rectified or deleted
- To contest against Danske Shoppingcentre's processing of personal information
- To complain to Datatilsynet about Danske Shoppingcentre's processing of personal information
Contact information to Datatilsynet
E-mail: or phone: (+45) 3319 3200
It is important to emphasize, that it is not always possible to accept requests about getting data and personal information deleted, since Danske Shoppingcentre can have a legitimate interest in conserving certain personal information or can be commanded to store certain personal information.
If Danske Shoppingcentre has received a consent as the legal basis for the processing of personal information, it will always be possible for the person, who has submitted the consent, to withdraw this, without this having an impact on the legality of the processing until the time for withdrawal.
If you wish to use your aforementioned rights, you can contact:
4. Transferring of personal information
Danske Shoppingcentre does not transfer personal information, unless it is legally required, or it is neccessary to fulfill an agreement, that Danske Shoppingcentre has entered with the individual customer.
The agreement can regulate a specific member benefit, that the member has chosen as superstructure to Danske Shoppingcentres general membership terms, or can be an agreement, that the individual customer has made together with Danske Shoppingcentre about a specific service. The transferring will, in such cases, be clearly stated in the requirements, when the member or the customer enters into the specific agreement.
5. Data processors and third country transfers
Danske Shoppingcentre uses external collaborators and suppliers for operation, development and hosting of for example communication and marketing solutions, preparation of market analysis and IT-systems to handling business data.
These collaborators and suppliers can be data processors for Danske Shoppingcentre and process personal information with instruction from Danske Shoppingcentre. Danske Shoppingcentre has in a relevant extent entered into written data processor agreements with these data processors.
Data processors are subject to very strict confidence and must not apply the personal information for other purposes than denounced in the data processor agreement.
Danske Shoppingcentre continuously controls the data processors to ensure, that they comply with the rules of the data processor agreement.
Danske Shoppingcentre as a general rule does not transfer personal information to countries outside EU/EEA. If it exceptionally is neccessary to transfer information to third countries, it happens with the purpose of a relevant basis of transfer; in most cases the European Commission's standard contract terms.
6. Other special circumstances
6.1 Children and youths
Danske Shoppingcentre processes personal information about children and youths in the age between 15-17 years, as members at Danske Shoppingcentre. The data processing also applies for their personal informations. On Danske Shoppingcentres digital platforms it is possible to earn and use points after the individual has turned 15 years old.
TV-surveillance is performed in Copenhagen Designer Outlet - both inside the center and outside the center. TV-surveillance is performed inside and outside Copenhagen Designer Outlet in accordance to applicable legislation and rules for processing of personal information. TV-surveillance is performed as a security for our customers and to minimize criminality. The recordings will be deleted after 30 days according to the Law about TV-surveillance § 4c stk. 4.
Danske Shoppingcentre processes customers personal information on the digital platforms with the help of cookies for neccessary, statistic, functional and marketing purposes, for example to optimize the user-friendliness on Danske Shoppingcentre's digital platforms.
Cookies are small text files, that contains letters and numbers, that are stored on your computer. Cookies make it possible to compile information about what sites and functions the user applies and visits. You can read more about what cookies we use, the purpose with the collecting of data and how you can delete or reject them in our cookie policy here.